Blog - Archived Entries - February 2023
The latest news are listed first. See more latest news from the current blog.
Februar 28, 2023:
We are releasing Battery Monitor
version 4.9 through the Mac App Store:
- Application and reference manual have been updated to correctly differentiate between System Settings of macOS Ventura and System Preferences in older versions of macOS.
- Fixed a problem where opening System Settings via the context menu of the menu-bar icon did not work as expected in macOS Ventura.
- A cryptographic security feature was removed to ensure the App can still be imported to France.
Battery Monitor is a powerful App to display the charge state of portable Macs in the Dock, to display internal battery information, to capture charge and discharge curves, to keep logs of the aging process of the battery, and to add notifications via Notification Center or speech output.
February 27, 2023:
We are releasing System Monitor
Plus version 1.5:
- Better sort order for temperature sensors on specific Macintosh model series with Apple Silicon.
- Fixes a problem where a wrong temperature sensor was selected to be the characteristic CPU sensor for display in the menu bar. This only affects specific M1 models from 2021.
System Monitor Plus is a free add-on for System Monitor. After simply copying it to your computer, many additional features become available which are not permitted to be directly included in Apps from the Mac App Store.
February 22, 2023:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:
- Apple XProtect Configuration Data version 2166 for OS X 10.11 to macOS 10.14 (Update Product ID: 032-10410)
- Apple XProtect Configuration Data version 2166 for macOS Catalina (Update Product ID: 032-10409)
XProtect is part of the built-in antivirus software of macOS. The package does not appear in the Software Update section of System Preferences (or App Store in older versions of the operating system). macOS is updating the software automatically in the background if you have granted the system permission to download system data files and security-related files.
February 21, 2023:
We are releasing Backup
Server Control version 2.82:
- Added new workarounds for the continuing quality problems of macOS 13
Backup Server Control provides a graphical user interface to setup and administer a server for network-based Time Machine® backups with a few mouse clicks on a Macintosh®. Other Macs running macOS Sierra or later can perform backups on the Time Machine server. The current status of network backups can be reviewed any time.
February 21, 2023:
We are releasing Mac Power
Monitor version 2.11:
- Added new workarounds for the continuing quality problems of macOS 13
Mac Power Monitor is a graphical, easy-to-use interface for the energy and power measuring features of macOS.
February 21, 2023:
We are releasing Sync
Checker version 3.92:
- Added new workarounds for the continuing quality problems of macOS 13
Sync Checker is a diagnostic application which can check if two folders or disks are perfectly synchronized, i.e. if they have exactly the same contents. When creating backup copies of valuable files, or when making sure that two computers or mobile devices work on the same set of data, the status of being “in perfect sync” can be very important. In order to be safe and to prevent loss of data, you can let Sync Checker verify whether a pair of file collections are matching exactly or not.
February 21, 2023:
We are releasing NFS
Manager version 5.62:
- Added new workarounds for the continuing quality problems of macOS 13
NFS Manager is an application to control the NFS features built into macOS via a comfortable graphical user interface. The application uses Apple’s technologies like Bonjour or Open Directory to make management as easy as possible. When using directory services, NFS Manager can configure NFS features not only for a single computer but for a whole network of thousands of Macintosh systems, with a few mouse clicks only.
February 21, 2023:
We are releasing Bresink
Software Updater, version 1.71:
- Added new workarounds for the continuing quality problems of macOS 13
If you use many of our software products on your Mac, it can become tedious to keep all of them up-to-date. Bresink Software Updater facilitates the maintenance of our applications considerably. At a glance you can see if all programs are at their latest versions. You will be notified about available updates and can decide to either trigger the update procedure for a single product or for all of them automatically.
February 16, 2023:
We are releasing TinkerTool System
8 version 8.3:
- Added new feature to detect and to remotely analyze a Content Caching server in the local network. Such servers can cause issues during macOS software updates.
- Added new feature to reset the macOS service management of Background Items. This is helpful for users who are flooded with repeated notifications of added Background Items, or who see incorrect entries for these items in System Settings.
- Added new and unique feature to analyze the list of Background Items maintained by macOS. The allows the confusing and often erroneous entries in System Settings to be better understood.
- The list of model series for the download of IPSW files was updated.
- The list of Apple-provided system jobs was updated.
- The item to repair features of the macOS network user interface which could be damaged by the 11.2 update was removed. It is no longer needed in macOS 13 Ventura.
TinkerTool System 8 is a collection of system utility features helping you in performing advanced administration tasks on Apple Macintosh computers.
February 15, 2023:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:
- macOS 11.7.4 Big Sur (Update Product ID: 032-50519)
- Safari 16.3.1 for macOS Big Sur (Update Product ID: 032-51569)
The updates address critical security issues in Safari
and the operating system. They also fix issues with web
site icons in Safari.
February 13, 2023:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:
- macOS 13.2.1 Ventura
- macOS 13.2.1 Ventura Update for macOS 10.12 and later (Update Product ID: 032-48342)
- BridgeOS Customer Update 13.2.1 (Update Product ID: 032-48337)
- Safari 16.3 for macOS Big Sur (Update Product ID: 032-38743)
The updates address critical security issues in Safari and the operating system.
February 10, 2023:
Apple has blocked nearly all paid apps which
have been sold by the Mac App Store for users of Mac
OS X Snow Leopard and Mac OS X Lion
Due to the way license checks in the App Store had been designed in older versions of Mac OS X, all licenses for paid apps of that era expire in irregular intervals. In the past, this was no problem, because the App Store renewed licenses for all apps you had purchased. However, the App Store software in Mac OS X 10.6 and Mac OS X 10.7 has now become too old to support this. This means you can no longer renew your App Store licenses on these operating systems, although all license receipts have expired on February 7, 2023 (see below). The affected apps won't launch after that date.
It is also no longer possible to download the apps again or to re-purchase them. The App Store either indicates that a later operating system is required, or shows the failure message INSTALL_ERROR_DISTRIBUTION_SIGNED_BY_APPLE.
Note that software developers cannot help here, because both the app distribution files and the license receipts on the customer computers are cryptographically protected, so they can only be created by Apple. To continue using the affected apps, disable time synchronization in the operating system and change the current date setting to 2020.
10. Februar 2023:
Apple hat fast alle bezahlten Apps, die im Mac
App Store verkauft wurden, für Nutzer von Mac OS X
Snow Leopard und Mac OS X Lion blockiert
Aufgrund der Art und Weise, wie Lizenzprüfungen im App Store in älteren Versionen von Mac OS X konstruiert waren, verfallen alle Lizenzen für bezahlte Apps aus dieser Ära in unregelmäßigen Zeitabständen. In der Vergangenheit war das kein Problem, da der App Store die Lizenzen für alle Apps, die Sie erworben haben, erneuert hat. Das in Mac OS X 10.6 und Mac OS X 10.7 enthaltene App-Store-Programm ist allerdings inzwischen so alt, dass es diesen Vorgang nicht mehr unterstützt. Das heißt, Sie können Ihre App Store-Lizenzen auf diesen Betriebssysstemen nicht mehr auffrischen, obwohl alle Lizenzquittungen am 7. Februar 2023 (siehe unten) verfallen sind. Die betroffenen Apps lassen sich nach diesem Datum nicht mehr starten.
Es ist ebenso nicht mehr möglich, die Apps erneut herunterzuladen oder sie noch einmal nachzukaufen. Der App Store gibt entweder an, dass ein neueres Betriebssystem benötigt wird, oder zeigt die Fehlermeldung INSTALL_ERROR_DISTRIBUTION_SIGNED_BY_APPLE an.
Beachten Sie, dass Software-Entwickler hier nicht weiterhelfen können, da sowohl die App-Verteilungsdateien als auch die Lizenzquittungen auf den Computern der Endkunden kryptografisch geschützt sind, so dass sie nur von Apple erzeugt werden können. Um die betroffenen Apps weiter nutzen zu können, schalten Sie die Zeitsynchronisation im Betriebssystem ab und ändern Sie die Einstellung für das aktuelle Datum auf 2020.
February 8, 2023:
We like to make customers aware that for all paid Apps
from the Mac App Store that require “classic” licensing
(i.e. no in-app purchase and no continuous monitoring
that requires a permanent Internet connection) all App
Store licenses have temporarily expired on February
7, 2023, 09:48:47 p.m. UTC. These Apps have
to fetch a renewed license confirmation from the App
Store the first time they are launched after that date.
This means there can be a short delay and a flickering Dock icon when the apps are started after this date. Apps may not launch if you have no Internet connection. On older versions of OS X and Mac OS X, you may receive an incorrect message from the App Store that the app was purchased for another computer or that it is allegedly ”damaged”. This is a known design flaw of the App Store. Please contact Apple App Store support if you experience problems with this feature.
We are additionally seeing that redeeming App Promo Codes may also not work correctly at the moment.
8. Februar 2023:
Wir möchten unsere Kunden darauf hinweisen, dass für
alle bezahlten Apps aus dem Mac App Store, die
„klassische“ Freischaltung verwenden (d.h. kein
In-App-Kauf und keine fortdauernde Überwachung, die eine
permanente Internet-Verbindung erfordert), all App
Store-Lizenzen vorübergehend am 7. Februar 2023
22:48:47 MEZ abgelaufen sind. Diese Apps
müssen eine erneute Lizenzbestätigung aus dem App Store
laden wenn sie das erste Mal nach diesem Termin
gestartet werden.
Das bedeutet, dass eine kurze Verzögerung und ein
flackerndes Dock-Symbol auftreten kann, wenn die Apps
nach diesem Datum gestartet werden. Apps
starten möglicherweise nicht falls keine
Internet-Verbindung besteht. Auf älteren
Versionen von OS X und Mac OS X kann die fehlerhafte
Meldung des App Store erscheinen, dass die App für
einen anderen Computer gekauft wurde oder
dass sie angeblich „beschädigt” wäre.
Dies ist ein bekannter Konstruktionsfehler des App
Store. Bitte setzen Sie sich mit dem Support des
Apple App Store in Verbindung, falls Sie von
Problemen mit dieser Funktion betroffen sind.
Wir beobachten ebenso, dass im Moment das Einlösen von Werbecodes für Apps möglicherweise nicht korrekt funktioniert.
February 8, 2023:
We are releasing System Monitor
Plus version 1.4:
- Added support for new Macintosh models with M2 Pro and M2 Max processors.
- Added support for monitoring an external temperature
diode next to the CPU available on specific Mac model
series with Apple Silicon.
System Monitor Plus is a free add-on for System Monitor. After simply copying it to your computer, many additional features become available which are not permitted to be directly included in Apps from the Mac App Store.
February 7, 2023:
We are releasing TinkerTool System
7 version 7.94:
- Internal changes for features with Internet access, enhancing compatibility with third-party firewalls.
- This version fixes a problem where different levels of operating system compatibility warnings could override each other in confusing fashion.
TinkerTool System 7 is a collection of system utility features helping you in performing advanced administration tasks on Apple Macintosh computers running macOS 11 or 12.
February 2, 2023:
Apple releases new software via macOS Software Update:
- Apple XProtect Payloads version 89 (Update Product ID: 032-38740)
XProtect is part of the built-in antivirus software of macOS. The package does not appear in the Software Update section of System Preferences (or App Store in older versions of the operating system). macOS is updating the software automatically in the background if you have granted the system permission to download system data files and security-related files.