
Version History

Release 5.61 (Build 241125)

Added new user interface for simplified license registration and activation features which will become available in the near future.

Release 5.6 (Build 241111)

This version adds an optimization to detect whether started edit operations actually change a property list setting or not. This detection can avoid that macOS triggers aggressive autosave operations when users perform a non-modifying edit operation, just as copying a value to the pasteboard, for example.

Release 5.5 (Build 241014)

Release 5.4 (Build 240205)

Release 5.3 (Build 230316)

Release 5.2 (Build 221021)

Release 5.1 (Build 220623)

Release 5.0 (Build 211005)

Release 4.51 (Build 201221)

This version provides an additional protection against cases where users try to paste invalid data into a property list.

Release 4.5 (Build 201021)

Release 4.4 (Build 200401)

Release 4.31 (Build 191113)

Added a fix necessary for an unexpected change in macOS 10.15.1 which can cause the warning about missing approval for full disk access not to be shown. This only affects users who launch the application for the first time on macOS 10.15.1.

Release 4.3 (Build 191018)

Release 4.2 (Build 190626)

Added support for future versions of macOS.

Release 4.1 (Build 181219)

Release 4.0 (Build 180917)

Release 3.93 (Build 180412)

Added new user interface to the product activation feature in order to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union (EU Regulation 2016/679).

Release 3.92 (Build 170907)

Release 3.91 (Build 170629)

This is a maintenance update fixing a memory management problem which could cause PrefEdit to crash when closing a property list window after find operations have been used.

Release 3.9 (Build 170518)

Release 3.8 (Build 170427)

Release 3.7 (Build 160531)

The required minimum version of the operating system is now OS X 10.9 Mavericks. Users of Lion and Mountain Lion can continue with the previous release 3.6.

Release 3.6 (Build 150519)

Added new feature to keep track of customized file name extensions for property list files that don’t use the default extension. This prevents OS X from auto-correcting file names when changes are saved.

Release 3.5 (Build 141218)

Due to changes in European legislation on value added tax, the application had to be re-released with modified pricing information. Current customers don’t need to update.

Release 3.5 (Build 140715)

This version allows former users of “PrefEdit App” to upgrade to the full version of PrefEdit at no cost. The presence of a licensed version of PrefEdit App is interpreted as registration for PrefEdit and unlocks the application. (This means former users of PrefEdit App must keep both applications on their systems. The App version must not be removed.) For further information, please see the corresponding chapter in the reference manual.

Release 3.4 (Build 140630)

Release 3.3 (Build 131010)

Release 3.2 (Build 130731)

Release 3.1 (Build 130426)

This is a maintenance update which fixes a problem where PrefEdit could not decode binary data in XML-based property list files correctly.

Note: This version could not be released for the software variant PrefEdit App, because Apple did not allow distribution of the update through the Mac App Store.

Release 3.0 (Build 130419)

Release 2.41 (Build 120706)

Release 2.4 (Build 120209)

Release 2.3 (Build 110712)

Release 2.2 (Build 100315)

Release 2.1 (Build 091119)

Release 2.0 (Build 080814)

The application has been redesigned completely. There are too many detail changes to list here. Only the most important changes are mentioned.

Release 1.2 (Build 060227)

Release 1.1 (Build 011230)

Corrected compatibility problem with Mac OS X 10.1 where editing a value and then selecting another entry could unintentionally copy the edited value to the newly selected entry.

Release 1.0 (Build 010319)

Release 1.0 Beta 3 (Build 010129)

Developed workaround for bug in Foundation Framework: Under certain conditions, the type of logical preference entries could change to numeric values. This error should be fixed now.

Release 1.0 Beta 2 (Build 010119)

Release 1.0 Beta (Build 001127)

First public version.