
Version History

Newest items are listed first.

Release 2.0 (Build 250219)

Release 1.9 (Build 240723)

Release 1.8 (Build 240214)

Release 1.7 (Build 230831)

Release 1.6 (Build 230822)

This version adds a protection against third-party applications that provide corrupt translations of their names in the user’s preferred language. Such applications could cause issues with the diagnostic features and unexpected termination of the autostart sequence.

Release 1.5 (Build 230811)

Release 1.4 (Build 230621)

Release 1.3 (Build 230331)

Release 1.2 (Build 230307)

Release 1.1 (Build 230125)

Release 1.0 (Build 221119)

First published version of Autostarter.