
Using the Menu-Bar Display

Enabling the menu-bar display

By setting a check mark at the option Show battery status in menu bar on the tab item Menu Bar of the Settings window, you can add an optional battery display to the right side of the menu bar of macOS. This status item of Battery Monitor can be used as an alternative to the original battery icon of macOS. It provides a slightly different set of features and brings back the possibility to indicate the estimated remaining runtime in the menu.

If you like to show the percentage value for charge level next to the battery icon, also set a check mark at Show percentage. If you like to hide the battery icon in the menu bar in this case, which will allow you to combine Apple’s battery icon with the percentage value of Battery Monitor, additional check the item Show percentage only, suppressing battery icon.

Settings for the Menu Bar
Settings for the Menu Bar

Although the basic battery icon used by Battery Monitor looks very similar to the original version used by macOS, the detail behavior of icon and menu will differ. Battery Monitor does not try to copy Apple’s functions:

When the battery is running on reserve power, the icon will switch to a red bar indicator. Battery Monitor needs to be running to show its icon in the menu bar.

The charge level indicated in the menu bar also respects your current preference to either indicate the true physical level or the user-oriented fake value.

Choosing a position for the menu-bar display

You can set a preferred position for the battery icon in the menu bar. This position will automatically be remembered the next time you are launching Battery Monitor. You can set any position at the right side of the menu bar between the menu of the current front application and the icon of Notification Center. To set a new position,

  1. hold down ,
  2. drag the battery icon to the desired location in the menu bar, and
  3. release the key.

Removing the menu-bar icon

You can remove the optional battery icon from the menu bar by modifying your settings:

  1. Select the menu item Battery Monitor > Settings … or press the key combination ⌘ + ,.
  2. Switch to the tab item Menu Bar.
  3. Remove the check mark at Show battery status in the menu bar.

You can also remove the icon by dragging it out of the bar:

  1. Hold down .
  2. Drag the battery icon from the menu bar some distance away until a close marker appears.
  3. Release the key.

The original battery icon of macOS can be removed the same way.

Using the menu of the battery icon

By clicking the battery icon, you can open its attached menu. It provides several additional status indicators and can be used to select several functions quickly.

Several features are available in the menu
Several features are available in the menu

Remove the Dock icon to control the App from the menu bar only

After you have enabled the menu-bar display of Battery Monitor, it will be technically possible to control the App from the menu bar only. You can additionally remove the Dock icon, forcing macOS to handle Battery Monitor as a menu-bar tool. In this special mode of operation, macOS will remove the main menu of the App as well. Battery Monitor automatically compensates for that by adding the most important items of the standard menu to the menu of the menu-bar display.

To remove the Dock icon, perform the following steps:

  1. Select the menu item Battery Monitor > Settings … or press the key combination ⌘ + ,.
  2. Switch to the tab item Menu Bar.
  3. Set a check mark at Remove Dock icon.

The main menu will now appear embedded within the menu of the menu-bar icon, replacing the previous Show Overview Window item. The original order of the main menu from left to right will be kept in the simplified menu, grouping the different submenus into separate sections top down.

If you operate Battery Monitor without Dock support, the policy for automatic restoration of windows and their placement on screen will be slightly different. This complies with Apple’s rules for tools that run in the menu bar only.

Battery Monitor will automatically switch to standard mode again if you either disable the menu-bar icon or the Dock icon removal option:

  1. Click on the icon of Battery Monitor in the menu bar.
  2. Select the menu item Settings… in the section Battery Monitor.
  3. In the settings window, switch to the tab item Menu Bar.
  4. Remove the check mark at Remove Dock icon.

If you the switch the Dock icon on or off, all open windows of the App will temporarily disappear for one second. This is normal.